When it comes to my mother-in-law I am blessed. I am REALLY blessed. You know how comedians love to rip mothers-in-law apart? I don't have one of those.
This sweet, wonderful lady adopted me with no reservations and total love. When my parents moved away and left me behind to complete college, this angel on earth would come by my duplex and offer to DO MY LAUNDRY!
Other women talk about their moms-in-law...ranting or despairing about how impossible it is to communicate or get along. I just nod my head in sympathy and say a prayer to God to thank Him for the lady that DID become my mom. Not just a mother-in-law...but a MOM.
She just called, and my husband is out on the back porch telling her about his week and exchanging news. And I'm in here at the computer sharing the news that this lady has my heart and my love...she's the BEST! And I let her know it...
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