Ahhhh....Spring Break! Every teacher's (and student's) dream! I spent my Spring Break in Houston where we celebrated my husband's birthday by surprising him with a paramotor tandem ride. I tell you what...that will build up a lot of "wife credit"! He was SO happy and excited...but I have to tell you that this is a man who has told me for years that before he dies he wants to jump out of an airplane (with a parachute). During the five hour drive home paramotoring was all he talked about. Then he called his mom and talked to her for three hours about it. Then he called his brother, and talked for another TWO hours about it...See what I mean about "wife credit"????
A second joy during Spring Break was spending time with my daughter, her husband, and the two grandchildren. My sweet granddaughter (3 1/2 yrs) found a pair of scissors a few weeks ago and cut her own hair...down to the scalp. So when I saw her at Spring Break she had a "boy" cut and looked like a little pixie! And my grandson (1 1/12 yrs) has grown a foot and is really learning to communicate. No sentences yet...but he can say enough words to get his meaning across.
Isn't life great?
Once Bryan gets his paramotor, every time Dad comes to Houston we won't be able to get him out of the air... so is Dad setting aside money from his growing business to buy a paramotor?
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