My youngest daughter (a senior in college) has a pretty serious boyfriend. This guy is a nice guy...the first time he came to the house for dinner, he brought ME flowers! But best of all, he treats my daughter with respect.
They really like each other a lot. They are even using the "L" word. So it didn't surprise me today when my Joy-girl wanted me to go with her to look at some promise rings...just because...
She was quick to tell me not to worry..."After all, mom, it's just like going steady!"
But will she share with her boyfriend the story of the clerk in the store? The clerk who asked, "How old is your boyfriend?" "Oh, he's 29..." Wish you had seen her face! You could TELL she was choking back what she REALLY wanted to say! So...this mom came to the rescue with, "And how old do you think my daughter is?" (smile) -- The clerk admitted that she thought my daughter was a sophomore/junior in HIGH SCHOOL! No WONDER she got that funny look on her face when we mentioned Joy-girl's boyfriend is 29!!!!
It's a miracle that this sweet clerk didn't come bounding up over the jewelry counter screaming at the top of her lungs...."CRADLE ROBBER! PERVERT! MAMA...YOU GET YOUR DAUGHTER OUT-OF-THERE!!!!!"
I guess there are times when looking young can be a bad thing...As for me, I'm GLAD that the women in our family tend to look young...like I tell everyone..."I get my hair colored every four weeks - whether I need it or not!" I pride myself in being the youngest looking grandma on the block! After all...can you picture me with blue hair????
Bubble-gum pink!!!
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