Today I took my test for national teacher certification. This was worse than taking the GRE! It consisted of six essays with 30 minutes allotted for each. There was only time to type. No time to think...just type and pray. At the end of the testing session, I walked outside and just stood there...telling myself to BREATHE.
And now the waiting begins. No more studying. No more portfolio preparation. Nothing but waiting. Scores won't be posted until November. It's a long time, but I like to think that after eleven months of work, it SHOULD take a long time to grade it!
So now I am going to relax this weekend and lose myself in a trashy romance novel. Then I can start thinking practical thoughts. Like maybe cleaning house for the first time in eleven months??? I might even play in my kitchen again (although my husband has become accustomed to fast food night 6 times a week...). And now that the pressure's off I can think about making some jelly. Mayhaw...blackberry...raspberry...strawberry - after all, it's the season!
To my friends and family...thanks. I couldn't have done it without your support. (Sounds like an Oscar acceptance speech, doesn't it?) But it's true. They've given up a lot while I've worked though this project. Well, I'm back! Just give me another minute while I practice breathing....
Breathe in... breathe out... and set aside a few jars of mayhaw for me!!! :)
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